Gladys wasn't in the mood but her husband whined until she gave him a hand job, The whole experience left her feeling testy.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Nine
He was so good at running DUNGEONS & DRAGONS games that he charged for it- on a per diem basis of course.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Eight
Alone on the horse farm he could pursue desire for bestiality with unbridled passion.
Friday, September 24, 2010
(Recommended Read) Forever by Kari Fay
She was beautiful. Still as beautiful as the day he had first seen her, despite the intervening years. She lay on the bed, eyes closed, her hair fanning delicately across the pillow, deep in the world of dreams. He loved to watch her like this, a picture of absolute peacefulness...
(Recommended Read) Half Time by G.P. Ching
The marching band hovered on the edge of the field, waiting for the football players to exit before they could take their places under the lights. At the back, behind row after row of polyester uniforms, Brandon Jones waited with his tuba and a grudge directed toward the girl with the flute six rows up...
(Recommended Read) Tickling Those Ivories by Anthony Venutolo
He played amid the smoke-filled room.
The rumor was that Sam got his job because he looked like Bogart. Distractingly so. In fact, he usually told the dolls in Toot's Shor's Place that he was once Bogie's stand-in on the Warner Bros. lot. And they ate it up. As usual....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
L’Amour Looks Something Like You
Al Bruno III
The bed was too small, the room was too warm and her clothes were too tight but in a matter of moments one of those problems would be solved for her. Kate felt his hands snake up along her back and take hold of the zipper on the back of her black dress.
She couldn’t believe she was doing this! He was half her age, half her age and beautiful. He still lived with his parents but he was undressing her like an old pro.
The dress fell away and Kate felt a flush of uncertainty, these weren’t the perky breasts of a college hottie, these weren’t the hips of a girl flush with the promise of youth. Her shape was still lovely enough to catch a man’s eye but she knew her body had been marked by the passage of time; there were stretch marks and over a tattoo that had seemed like such a good idea at the time.
What would she do if he flinched away from the sight of her?
She would die, she would just die.
He didn’t look away and a little smile pulled at the corners of his mouth, an appreciative smile. Then he was pulling her close and closer still.
There was stubble on his chin, his breath smelled like gum and his kisses were like candy. His name was Robbie. He was a valet and he had flirted with her as she dropped off her car and headed into the grand old hotel for the wedding reception. She was sure he gave the eye to all the middle aged broads that crossed his path, but he’d walked off the job to be with her hadn't he? Walked off the job with a breezy laugh of “They won't fire me.”
What was it her old friend Debbie had said about cougars and cubs? Debbie was always one for smutty little remarks. She’d even made them when she was in hospice, trying to make the orderlies blush while she’s still had the strength to speak.
What would Debbie say if she could see her now?
Robbie had stripped Kate down to her plain cotton underwear. The panties of a woman with no expectations. His touch skirted the old scar that marked the place where the doctors had gone in to remove her cancerous womb. Did he know what that scar meant? Or was he too busy kissing just below her navel and working his way down?
In spite of everything Kate giggled when those kisses reached their goal and he made himself busy. No one had done that in a while!
Or with such thoroughness.
It had been the wedding of a daughter of an old acquaintance, someone she had lost touch with since college and then found again thanks to the dubious miracle of Facebook. Kate decided to go on a whim, thinking it might be fun to see her old home town again. To see what had changed and what hadn’t. Maybe she would even rekindle an old friendship or two.
She had avoided the actual ceremony however, wedding ceremonies left a bad taste in her mouth. She had been burned twice and that was enough, the only thing more expensive than her weddings had been her divorces.
Now it was her turn to undress him. The terrain of his body was familiar but there were surprises. A pierced nipple, washboard abs and he was more than a handful in all the right places; and he was ready to go! No purple pills and pregnant pauses here.
There was a word she didn’t like crossing her mind. Especially considering what she had lost at such a young age, even more so when she realized who else was at the reception.
Of course she should have guessed. Hadn’t the invitation come from an old and mutual friend? Kate was civil enough when Scott her old fiancee called out her name and told her it was long time no see. He hugged her in a way that showed he still didn’t have the slightest idea how much he had hurt her way back when.
He had smiled and told her she hadn’t changed a bit. He bragged that he was the manager of this hotel and he had charged the bride’s family half price for the affair. Then he had introduced his wife and offered to show her his wallet full of kids. The need for those kids was the reason he had left her within months after the hysterectomy.
It was a clumsy move but she had excused herself by pretending her cell phone was on vibrate and there was an important call coming in. She made a show of talking to someone that wasn't there and made as dignified a run for the exit as she could.
She hadn’t even known that she was crying until the handsome valet had asked her if she was all right. This was not the distracted concern of a well-trained employee but the tentative reaching out of a would-be friend. Ordinarily she would never have gone off with some stranger but Kate already felt like she knew him.
It had been good to have someone to talk to, better than good, they found a booth in a little diner and talked for hours.
Then he brought her home sneaking her into the house like they were a pair of horny teenagers. With the door closed behind them there hadn’t been the need for small talk.
And now here she was holding him while he made love to her, running her nails along his wide back until he shivered. When she climaxed she cried out blissfully, carelessly.
That cry brought Robbie's parents running into the room. Covering herself quickly Kate said the only thing she could think of, “Hi Scott, long time no see...”
Millions of killer giant squid are not only devouring vast amounts of fish they have even started attacking humans.
Two Mexican fishermen were recently dragged from their boats and chewed so badly that their bodies could not be identified even by their own families...
Hunting in 1,000-strong packs the giant squid can out-swim and out-think fish. Scientists believe they coordinate attacks by using pigment cells to communicate...
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Seven
She volunteered for experiments involving the injection of rabbit DNA into her body, all got out of it was an ingrown hare.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Six
Even after the apocalypse the barbarian tribes had email accounts, but they preferred to use the .crom domains.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Five
It wasn't just the sinners that got left behind during the Rapture, it was also anyone that had ever owned a set of TruckNutz.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Four
He was elected to the presidency of the STAR TREK fan club but his enemies began to spread rumors he was a secretly BABYLON 5 Fan.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Three
The stripper wasn't crying, it was just that giving Smelly Marvin a lap dance had set her eyes watering.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Two
Gary was so broke that his only pleasure was putting his bills on direct pay and letting them fight it out when his paycheck hit.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty One
She was a paranoid sociopath with passive-aggressive tendencies so she rose through the ranks of the IT department fairly quickly.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty
The accident left the fortune teller known as Mystery Mike with a glass eye and a crystal ball.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Nineteen
The bounty hunter earned one hundred dollars for every pirate head he brought back, twenty dollars for a nose and a buck an ear.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighteen
“There are vampire ballerinas close by,” Jason Magwier warned, “keep on your toes.”
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventeen
A trio of husky gay men helped a lost girl find her way out of the woods, it was an all new 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixteen
“He's a tightrope walker and a serial killer?” Amazing Ed said in disbelief, “That's seriously unbalanced.”
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifteen
Alone on a desert island Abner Deggent had to use his penis as a fishing pole. (You don't want to know how he got bait.)
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Fourteen
One of the first superheroes was the pilot known as Biplane Boy, even in this modern age many masked avengers still give him props.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Thirteen
Abner Deggent knew war was Hell but thankfully hiding then shooting your enemy in the back was a kind of Purgatory.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Twelve
She was a retired veterinarian that still performed neutering for extra cash but sadly she was still on a fixed income.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Eleven
Blue Bolt ran at super speed from the east coast to the west coast, tripped and blundered into a tree. It was a total face palm.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Ten
He worked hard to become the manager of a sub shop but the jealous rival torpedoed his career.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Nine
From the people that brought you FACEBOOK THE MOVIE comes LEMON PARTY THE MUSICAL!
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Eight
He had so many prostitutes living at his house that it inspired an episode of Whoreders.
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Seven
“This is the story of Splat Masterson, the cowboy with the weakest bowels in the Old West.”
(Recommended Read) Dark Roast by by Jeremy Warach
The air conditioning in the coffee shop was perfect. I sat at the small table, the plastic chair creaking and bouncing slightly underneath me, while my cup of coffee slowly cooled. The weather outside was oppressively hot and muggy. The sweat on my forehead still had not completely dried, even though I had been in the shop almost ten minutes...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
5 Second Fiction One Thousand Six Hundred and Six
“In the choice between the Presidency and alien abduction always take the latter. At least you go home with some of your ass left.”
MONSTER LAND reviews the movie TOMIE
It’s the classic love story. Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy and girl get married and punch out 2.5 kids. With Japanese horror, nothing is ever that simple.
In Tomie (1999), boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy falls into a homicidal rage and kills girl as well as other men who have fallen under her spell. Boy hacks girl to pieces and disposes of the body. Girl regenerates from a single body part and looks for new victims to carry out the same grisly pattern...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
ZOMBIES ARE MAGIC talks about one of my favorite movies LEMORA: A CHILD'S TALE OF THE SUPERNATURAL
With a tag line like that how could you not love Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural. Sometimes films appear on my Netflix Queue and I have no idea how they got there. Such is the case with this 1973 film directed by Richard Blackburn. And despite what the Netflix envelope says, this film is not as salacious as it sounds. It is vaguely disturbing and weird however, with dark undercurrents that give you an "ick" feeling long after the film has ended...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
MAD MAD MAD MAD MOVIES waxes poetical about RABID DOGS
Salutations, friends! Once again, the Duke of DVD returns to shine a light into the dingy room that is your collective lives. I see you there, huddled like a forsaken mass in the corner of your kitchen, the light reflecting off the Twinkie wrappers you clutch to your lumpy chest as if they were so many Krugerrans. I take a step into the room, my velvet slipper pushing aside the abused carcass of an opossum. You jerk as I gently pat you on the arm, pushing yourself further into the corner with your near-useless legs. Fear not! I whisper quietly into your ear, which is more scar tissue than useful appendage, calming your racing, massive heart. Soon you are blubbering, grateful for the blessings I bring you...
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