Saturday, July 18, 2015

Keith Bailey of THE UNKNOWN MOVIES looks at an old favorite of mine 'Gargoyles'...

There seems to be a feeling among many human beings that the way we run the planet should be totally up to us. After all, in many aspects we seem to be the best living beings on the planet to be in charge of what happens anywhere in the world. We are the smartest beings on the planet, we can adapt to many different kinds of environments - well, according to some people, that makes the planet ours for the taking. But what if some other kind of intelligent species came to our planet and wanting their own piece of our pie? Over the years, there have been a number of different cinematic and television visions involving beings from some other world suddenly showing up on our world and being forced upon us. One of them was with the movie (and subsequent television series of the same name) Alien Nation. It concerned itself with alien slaves from a distant world getting lost and accidentally landing on our world with no way to move on. In both the movie and the television series, the aliens for the most part were accepted by humans. After all, they looked very similar to humans and had private lives that weren't that much different from many human beings. But in this cynical world of ours, I have the gut feeling that if this premise were to happen in real life, humans wouldn't be so accepting as they were in that fictional universe. My feeling is that something more along the lines of District 9 would happen. If you remember that movie, it concerned a large number of alien refugees from a distant world making their way to our planet. No doubt because they looked, talked, and acted very much unlike human beings, they were treated a lot more harshly than the aliens in Alien Nation...

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