Thursday, October 27, 2016

YES! Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!


Why the love for Jason?“, I found myself wondering. What makes him appealing? What makes him stand out as a character that captivates so many people? I decided that I would share my line of thinking with all of you in the hopes that maybe someone here can help me change my mind. Because as of right now, Jason Voorhees is, in my opinion, a boring character...

Creep Factor presents SCARY and TRUE HALLOWEEN Stories

From Creep Factor

Corbin White Productions "Dark Radio" by Jason Mehl

From Corbin White Productions

Corbin White Productions presents "Roommate Troubles" by Jessi Cosgrove

From Corbin White Productions

OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS cracks the conspiracy!


The following post is in honor of my turning 49 this week...


Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Nathan DeHoff considers the legacy of Jack Chick...


Holy Faceless God, Jack Chick died yesterday. Hey, isn’t that the day Bishop James Ussher claimed the world began in 4004 BC? I don’t know whether modern Young Earth Creationists still accept that date, but it still seems appropriate. You’ve probably heard of his tracts, tiny comics that his followers would buy in bulk to distribute to others in hopes of converting people. Sometimes they gave the tracts out directly, and other times just left them lying around in public places. Chick, a ninety-two-year-old World War II veteran, claims he got the idea from comics given out by the Chinese Communist Party. They’ve been released since 1970, with him apparently originally doing all the art, but uncredited artists later picking up the slack. The style is quite recognizable, with strangely shaded backgrounds, kids with giant eyes, and demons that look like they belong in a children’s picture book...