Tuesday, November 20, 2012

DEEP RED RUM isn't afraid to love STREET TRASH

...I’m not sure who the hero of this picture is. It’s kind of a slice of life picture about two homeless brothers who, well, I guess they’re more houseless since they live in a junkyard. Anyway, the junkyard is presided over in name by the owner, a big fat fucking piece of shit rapist and part-time necrophiliac, but it’s really ruled by a crazy homicidal racist Vietnam vet with the ugliest girlfriend I’ve seen in a major motion picture. And the local liquor store found a case of old booze that is making the hobos melt into rainbow colored sludge after one drink. And there’s a subplot about a gangster whose girlfriend has consensual (but not really because she’s blackout drunk) sex with one of the homeless brothers, but then he lets the rest of the junkyard dwellers drag her away and gang rape her to death. And there’s a cop who wants to figure out who is melting the hoboes, and a coroner who eats his lunch right off the table one of their bodies is on, and a girl who works for the junkyard who has the hots for the other brother, and probably the funniest shoplifting scene ever. It’s all very matter-of-fact, and ends abruptly with no concern for what will happen to these people next. Also, the film presents what is perhaps the only opportunity you will ever have in your life to watch a group of people play keep-away using a freshly amputated penis. Because you were waiting to see that shit...


click here to learn more at DEEP RED RUM

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