Thursday, March 15, 2012

75 years ago HP Lovecraft died... but what he created will live on forever... scary huh?

Thanks to LOVECRAFTeZine for reminding me. Here is what they had to say;


H.P. Lovecraft died 75 years ago today. His obituary follows (hat tip to Unspeakable Gibberer). In the comments below, let us know what Lovecraft and his themes mean to you, tell us what Lovecraftian-themed book you've read lately, or just say whatever you would like. For my part, I'd just like to say thanks. Thanks, HPL, for being true to yourself...


Why not stop by LOVECRAFTeZine and leave a comment?



Click here to check out HP PODCRAFT's reading of THE CALL OF CTHULHU


by  Fallen Raziel